Throughout my
employment in the maritime industry I have encountered frequent usage of the
term “common sense.” I currently work on towboats on the Ohio river and have
had the term leveled at me much less frequently here than while still decking
on tall ships. It seems that work boats are much less prone to elitism and
swaggering egos than anything made of wood with some canvas, sticks, and string
attached. These components foster, at least in my experience, the need for
people who are otherwise unremarkable to bludgeon those less knowledgeable over
the head with their arcane skill set and nautical background. While this is
being done, the term common sense is frequently invoked. I have often heard it
said that decking on tall ships, and the skills requisite to do so, are “common
sense.” This is a problem much less
frequently on work boats, but it does still happen.
Over the course of my
last hitch I worked with one of the captains
who has used the “all of this
work is common sense” accusation to imply
that I, or other deckhands, were lacking in some inate ability common in the
entire human populace because I did not understand something he was instructing
me to do. That being said, this
particular captain has been working on tow boats for thirty eight years. This
prompted a few thoughts about both the explicit, and nuanced cultural
definition and usage of the term common sense. I believe that individuals in
maritime culture misappropriate the term for the purpose of self
aggrandizement. Let’s start with some
Common: (adj) 1.)
Belonging to, or shared by two or more people. 2.) done by many people. 3.)
Occuring or appearing frequently. 4.) not rare.
Sense: (Noun) most
applicable definitions being, 1.) Capacity for effective application of the
powers of the mind as a basis for action or response. 2.) Sound mental capacity
and understanding typically marked by shrewdness or practicality.
These definitions are
taken from the Merriam Webster Dictionary which also contains a discussion of
the term common sense. In this section it is stated that the term common sense,
“suggests an average degree of such ability without sophistication or special
knowledge.” Note my emphasis on without,
and special knowledge. Maritime
culture takes at face value a definition of common sense that simply smashes
two words together, making no allowance for a nuanced standpoint that
stipulates that common sense does not include “sophistication or special
knowledge,” whether derived from a degree from a maritime academy, ten years
working on tall ships, or thirty eight years working on tow boats. This
simplistic rendering of the definition of common sense conflates all tasks
involved in working on boats to common sense. I think in part this is due to
the seeming simplicity of many tasks performed aboard boats. Stopping a nine
barge cut while double locking looks simple. But, the first time you try it and
realize that you are attempting to kill the inertia of 13,500 tons of coal and
steel with what is essentially a big ass string, makes the complexity and
challenge of the task apparent. Aside from face value simplicity, I think
maritime workers use the “no common sense” attack to make themselves feel
superior, probably due to a wide range of personal and social insecurities.
This behavior sadly, propagates insecurity in the victim and is a really
vicious cycle which needs to be broken.
Given commensurate training and experience I could perform the job of
any of my superiors, past or present, as well or better than they do. A fun
supporting side note here, Malcolm Gladwell’s book, Outliers discusses something he calls the 10,000 hour rule. The
basic tenet of this being that any task or skill set has to be honed for about
10,000 hours for an individual to be considered an expert at it. I still do not
have 10,000 hours accrued decking on tow boats. I would wager that Mr. thirty
eight year captain does many times over.
“Common” is boat Knowledge?
If my exploration of
definitions and word usage in the Maritime industry didn’t convince you I will
also explore just how common boat knowledge is, in order to attempt to justify
a simplistic word smash definition of the term common sense. I could not find a
nationwide study addressing percentage of the population employed in the
maritime field. I did find a study like this for the population of San Diego
California, which I will use as a sample. The 2012 population of San Diego was
1,322,553. Out of this total only 46,000 individuals worked in the maritime
industry, which in this study also included jobs related to, but not performed
on boats. This number is approximately 3.48% of the population of San Diego.
Tall ships were not even included in this study. If applied to be
representative of the whole nation (a model which is in no way statistically
sound, sorry Dr. Williams.) this 3.48% population size shows that nothing about
boats, or working on them is common. Even
working in commercial sectors of the maritime profession is a fringe
occupation. Working on tall ships places one in a miniscule sliver of an
already infinitesimal population of human beings. Nothing about boats or working on them,
especially tall ships, is common to the human experience in relation to work or
mental acumen. There are probably more people in San Diego that think they are
wizards than who work on boats.
a more functional definition
Though I am in no way
qualified to define words or phrases I am going to do so. I think someone must.
More important than the definition is the pathology of behavior that underlies
it. Redefine all I might, nothing can really be fixed unless people stand up to
the perpetrators of elitism and swaggering ego that are so well served by the
old definition, and misuse of “common sense.” Sadly I have seen few if any
people stand up to this sort of behavior on boats. Anyway, enough of that, my
definition is as follows
Common Sense: The ability to effectively understand
concepts or perform tasks parsed frequently enough, and by a large enough
portion of the human population as to be accurately described as common. Said
ability can be created over time, is not necessarily innate, and cannot take
into account special knowledge or training as granting one individual more
“common sense” than another.
Okay, I feel better. Gotta run, I’m late for wizard